Cylindrical and cubic workpieces can be clamped with the Vario jaw. The clamping inserts can be placed at different points of the jaw, thus can be covered with a jaw set a large range of parts. By exchanging the clamping inserts both raw parts and workpieces can be clamped for finishing. Please indicate when ordering the jaws, for which application you need the jaws. The clamping inserts must be ordered separately. Other sizes available on request.
Soft jaws allow for forming of jaws and subsequent clamping of molded parts which must not have clamping marks on the workpiece surface. Steel jaws are case hardenable for the jaws to be hardened for longevity after machining.
5-Axis jaws provide the component with a lot more height creating more clearance for tools in 5 axis applications. Serrated surface means that component can be held on less material resulting in less waste material.